Chris and Laura

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

So before I tell you about my day, let me just say that I am probably one the most easy going, laid back girls ever, but today I saw a very different side to my personality!

I don't start work until noon so I decided to be productive and do a load of laundry before I left. I loaded the machine, added the soap, started it and went back to watching the news. As I go to pour myself a cup of coffee I am standing in a pool of water coming from the laundry room and I scream! I open the door and the entire room is covered in atleast two inches of water. The weather has been so cold and all I can think of are frozen pipes. By now Chris is running around the corner and freaking out with me. We start mopping up the water with every spare towel we have in the house including the "towels on display", you know the ones you don't let anyone use! It must have been a fluke thing because we ran it three more times and everything was fine. Thank God!

It's time for me to head to work and since yesterday was a holiday the banks were closed so I was going to stop on my way. Just a quick deposit and that was it. I pull into the drive through and ofcourse it's super busy so I wait patiently and do a little people watching. As most of you know I live in Bonney Lake which includes some very wealthy people along with some very poor and everythnig in between. In front of me is a typical eldery lady driving a car that is way to big for her and behind me is the good old country boy with bull horns attached to his front grill and a gun rack hanging in the back window. Finally I pull ahead to the tube which goes from the drive through to the bank. I am on the short side so I always have to unbuckle my seat belt and reach half way out the window to grab the canister. As I pull the canister towards me I drop it. I try to open my door but I have pulled my large SUV so close so I can reach I have to reverse and try to get some more space. After two tries I am able to get out but I can't find the canister because it's totally under my car. I am so embarrassed and so mad! I get back in and pull forward enough to get back out and get the canister. People are now honking at me and I just feel horrible. I back up once more really trying to be careful of the horns that are just waiting to stab the back of my car. I sent my deposit and I was on my way.

I arrive to work and hope that the day will only get better. I am totally flustered and feel tense because my morning has not gone so well. I get through my third client and go out to the lobby to get one of my favorites. She is a nurse and has two little boys and is the sweetest lady. I see her and I'm so surprised because she's pregnant again. Her second son was born about a year ago and she got back into shape really quickly so I thought nothing of it when I said "Congratulations, I didn't know you were having another one!" She just stared at me and her smile quickly faded and said "I'm not, I just gained all my wait back." Can life get any worse for me right now? I apologize over and over and her being the nice person she is just kept telling me "it's okay". I spent the next 45 minutes with her feeling like a complete jerk.

Finally my lunch is here and as I go to open the fridge I remember that I forgot it at home, ofcourse I did! I only have about 15 minutes so I run down to the coffee stand to get a bagel. They have these great pizza bagels and the always sell out so I was excited when I saw two in the window. She greets me and I ask for the bagel and a bottled water. "Oh, I can't give you a bagel, I'm saving them for someone." I laugh out loud thinking she's kidding and again she says "they are being saved for someone." I know bagels aren't important but after my day had gone the way it was going I wanted to cry. I walk away and decide I don't need to eat, afterall I might choke and die with my luck!

The day finally ended and nothing else went wrong. Thankfully I didn't cut off anyones ear! Thanks for reading and letting me vent. Sometimes it just feels good to get it all out and know that life happens and tomorrow is a new day!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Wednesday night Lenny Kravitz and Aerosmith came to Seattle to Rock and Roll! I love listening to thier music at home and in the car but nothing compares to them live. If only I could play the guitar like that!

We bought our tickets a few months ago and anxiously waited the big night. To make a long story short Stacie knows the "Ear, nose and throat" Doctor that cares for the artists before they perform and he ended up giving us his tickets which were six rows from the stage. These were only VIP seats that weren't even for sale. It was incredible being that close. Needless to say I have no voice and only four hours of sleep but I can't stop smiling!

Autumn, Satcie, me, Paige and Lacey waiting for the concert to begin
Lacey playing a little air guitar

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The sun rose early on Super Bowl Sunday along with all the Seahawk fans. Our neighborhood was preparing for a big day. All of the guys had their jerseys on outside dusting off the BBQ's listening to ESPN for all the pre-game announcements. You could feel the energy in the air. Our house was full of cheering fans by 3 p.m. and there was hope for a win. They played hard for their first Super Bowl game and had a great season this year. Unfortunately it just wasn't meant to be, but we had fun watching and look forward to next year. GO HAWKS!