Monday, November 25, 2013

Meet our fish.  Not the best picture but kind of hard to get a good one with them swimming.  We've had these two since June and they've mad it much longer than I thought they would.  They came home with us from Maple Valley days and the boys have named them Darth Vader and Fiderman (Spiderman)  Eastons pronunciation. Chris has decided to make it his goal in life to keep them alive as long as possible.  Each week he cleans their bowl and adds special drops to balance the water.  I go downstairs each morning and am greeted with two hungry fish and I really think they have a little personality.  Lisa tells a much better story on her blog! Anyway two little members of our family that our cats are thrilled about!


Blogger Sweet Pea Potts said...

You have a pretty great story of your own Laura. You need to tell of the spectacularly funny way they met their death! That's one story you'll never want to forget!

10:00 AM  

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