Tuesday, December 04, 2012

My little pirates, Halloween 2012 and what a fun time we had.  I started asking Cohen what he wanted to be and of course he wanted to be Spider man because his cousin Oliver was Spider man last year.  Then he found out Oliver was going to be Batman so naturally Cohen wanted to be Batman.  He has no idea who these super hero's are except that Oliver thinks they are cool so they must be! Then he decided on a dragon but it had to be a scary dragon.  Cohen doesn't do scary so well and I knew if he had a scary costume he would never put it on.  We watch Jake and the Pirates and I convinced him that being a pirate would be really fun and he decided he liked the idea, as long as he had a sword and an eye patch!
Since Halloween fell on a Wednesday Cohen got to dress up for school and have a costume parade, trick or treating through the church and sing a few songs for the parents.  I cried through the whole thing, they are all so stinkin cute!!!! Nothing better then seeing your little guy up on stage doing hand motions to songs, I love it!
Love that his friend Dane is picking his nose in this picture, pretty much did this off and on all morning!
My guys before our party.  We had about five families over and went trick or treating after eating a ton of chili.  It was a beautiful night and we were out for about an hour and a half before the kids were ready to go home. I don't know what they better, trick or treating or answering the door? They had so much fun together.


Blogger Sweet Pea Potts said...

Love the costumes! I want one! Love the batman pj's too - I'd like those too. Tom might draw the line on those, though :) Such cute pictures and fun times!!!

4:17 PM  

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